Five Things

A Dispatch From North Hollywood, California

Five Things

The Federal Bar

Photo by Jesus Garcia on Unsplash A Picture from my Part of North Hollywood I liked.

I promised I would keep this month’s posts short and sweet. In honor of that I’m giving you five updates. A dispatch from me in North Hollywood, California.

  1. I saw the Drew Hancock movie Companion starring Sophie Thatcher, Jack Quaid, Lukas Gage, Megan Suri, and Harvey Guillen. I loved it. I walked in hoping I would enjoy it, and I walked out a huge fan. Smart, well-done, and doesn’t flinch from it’s ugly premise. It drills down into it much more deeply than I expected. Definitely check it out.

Companion Movie Poster. Copyright Warner Brothers Discovery and New Line Cinema.

  1. Recently I finished a reread of one of my comic series from my teenage years. New X-Men: Academy X (The title started off as New Mutants and then as X-Men books tend to do evolved into another title) written by Nunzio DeFilippis and Christina Weir with the bulk of the art done by Michael Ryan, Keron Grant, and Paco Medina. Just a great end of Morrison/Quitely New-Xmen era, beginning of the Astonishing X-Men era look at the kids who go to Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters. One of the teenage super hero books I credit with making me a fan. I had such a great time revisiting it. I got all five collected editions as a gift from my brother for Christmas and man…what a great gift they were. I have been writing younger/teenage characters lately and this was a good reminder of some of influences for that writing. If you haven’t read these comics, you should do it.

New X-Men: Academy X #1 Cover by Randy Green. Copyright Marvel Comics.

  1. TV wise lately I have been mesmerized by Severance on Apple TV Plus. I was one of the folks who was bummed it took a while for it to come back after it’s terrific first season, but it’s been worth the wait. The first four episodes of season two have been great with episodes three and four being absolute knock out punches. Terrific writing, stellar directing, and multi-layered performances from a brilliant cast. If you have heard about the show but not dove in, you should.

Severance Season 2 Poster. Copyright Apple TV Plus.

  1. I mentioned this a little bit last week, but it feels like with writing I have hit the ground running in 2025. It feels like I have the momentum I was hoping to start building from project to project. Since the year started I have been going from one project to the next and at the moment I am working on several projects at once. In the next two weeks I think I will be able to share details about the first comic book script I turned in this year. It’s a good one. Very near and dear to my heart, and drawn by a brilliant artist. There’s a lot of great things coming up. I can’t talk about 85% of them yet, but know my head is down, I’m working, and when I can talk about them. I will be dedicating multiple Newsletter posts to each one.

Just a great look at my Dave Wielgosz Comic Writer Banner Designed by the amazing Tom Napolitano.

  1. Finally we close with a reminder that I will be at Emerald City Comic Con in Seattle, Washington from Friday March 7th-Sunday March 9th. I will be at a table O-09 in Artist Alley alongside the outstandingly talented Chris Robinson. Come by, get books from Chris and I, and bring some books we have done before to get signed! It’s going to be a great time.

Emerald City Comic Con Logo. Copyright Reedpop.

All right, I will talk to you all next week.

Stay safe!

—Dave Wielgosz